Sunday, 2 December 2012


                                                                ...Some of my recent...not really recent... very old actually passion... MOSS...

For few years I'm thinking about moss application on ceramic... and waiting for good idea to come... but hmmm... now I decided just start making... any idea which will pop up in my head...

... made this one just today...

Oyster shell and moss
made by Marta Woo 

... and here is some research on the subject :) ....

First my beloved MINEO MIZUNO... in his words:

Challenge is the first word that comes to mind when asked about my work. I have spent most of my 40-year career challenging the conventions of the ceramic arts. I always seem to ask more of the material whether in size or in surface treatment or in the chemistry of the glaze itself. I also ask the materials to exist on equal footing with painting and sculpture.
My most personally satisfying shape to date is the water drop that has recurred in my work in various sizes and adaptations since about 2000. The large oval or round mounds with a hole excavated in the center are entirely painted with a Japanese character repeated uncountable times, the sign that means ” Zero” or the sign meaning “silence.” Some are glazed with luminous skin of graphite, dark mysterious and organic. Somewhere in the background of my mind there rests symbolism. Think tea ceremony, water and cleansing in a spiritual sense.
Now, the importance of landscape in my heritage has surfaced. I am crossing a new boundary: integrating horticulture and ceramics. The new pieces are large fired mounds, developed from the water drop shape, with tiny holes in the surface. I plant tiny bits of moss that I collect on my early morning bicycle rides. I have created a contraption, which sprays a mist so that bright emerald tufts emerge and slowly cover the ceramic mound creating a miniature landscape. I am still experimenting with these ideas. I want to keep challenging the traditional concepts of ceramic art.

and in his work:

                               The next from my findings is ROBERT CANNON... and his living concrete and moss sculptures... Terraform Sculptures...

Nature is the inspiration and foundation for Cannon’s terraform sculptures. Terraform, literally translates to "Earth-shaping," the process of deliberate modification                                   of the atmosphere, temperature, surface topography or ecology to be similar to those of Earth to make it habitable by humans.



Hanging Garden





Terra Bench    

 Terra Game Table     

1 comment:

  1. Congratulation for the great post. Those who come to read your Information will find lots of helpful and informative tips. Elegant Moss Art
